Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Couple of Things

I know I am a big slacker with this blog.  In all honesty, I thought no one ever looked at it.  I'm certain there are not a lot who do.  I mean I love to blog, and I love to cook and I know there are some AMAZING food blogs out there. This dumb little blog does not compare at all.  So because of that, I honestly thought of quit doing it. Plus, cooking is not my favorite thing to do still, since I still feel sick a lot.  At least my baby will be here soon and then maybe my zest for cooking new things will come back! 

I decided to stick with it for now though, so I promise to try and add at least a couple recipes a week.  That was mostly because my friend Teri encouraged me to do it still, since she looks at this blog every now and again.  Thanks Teri, I really did need that little boost.  This is something I enjoy doing, even if I am the only one that does look at it. 

I am going to post pictures (I know it's always better to have a picture, I myself love cook books that have them), I'm just not very good at taking food pictures. I promise to work on my skills but until then, you will have to excuse the lousy pics that you do see. 

So that is it for now! 

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